Because inference makes the difference

Take full control over your models

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Check out our scientific paper publication

Publication Image

Agnostic Label-Only Membership Inference Attack

Our work on privacy preserving ML has been pubblishen in the International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2023)🌐🔒

Who we are

We are a team of experienced professionals

As experienced professionals, we specialize in explainability and privacy-preserving machine learning models compliant with GDPR regulations. Our expertise also encompasses chatbots, computer vision, and generative AI, allowing us to provide innovative and unique solutions to our clients. With a solid foundation in AI theory and practical know-how, supported by ongoing research, we are at the forefront of the latest AI innovations. Contact us to harness the power of cutting-edge AI solutions for your business.

Our Fields

What we do

Custom Chatbot Solutions

We specialize in developing tailored chatbot solutions using LLMs (Language Models). Our team creates intelligent and personalized chatbots that provide seamless user experiences. Harness the power of LLMs to transform your customer interactions.

Computer Vision

Leverage our expertise in computer vision to extract valuable insights from visual data. Our tailored solutions drive operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making. Transform your business with advanced computer vision models.

Explainable AI

We enable our clients to understand the decision-making process of their models with clear explanations

Privacy-Preserving AI

We understand the importance of protecting our clients' data and ensure compliance with GDPR regulations. We use advanced techniques to preserve the privacy of our clients' data while still delivering accurate and effective AI solutions.

Happy Clients


Hard Workers



Simone Rizzo

AI Engineer / Founder

AI engineer / Researcher, interested in explainability and privacy risk assessment of ML models. Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence 110/110 @ University of Pisa.

Antonio Zegarelli

PhD Researcher in CS / Founder

PhD student @ IMDEA software institute. Master's degree in Computer Science 110/110 @ University of Pisa. Interested in formal methods.


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Rome, RM Italy

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Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 18:00PM

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